
Our graduate degree programs offer a distinctive educational experience that sets them apart from other institutions.


We know how hard you’ve already worked to achieve your career goals. We also know you have the potential to take it another step further. 拥有硕士学位, 你可以把你的事业提升到一个新的水平, 收获获得研究生学位的许多回报, 并为你所取得的成就感到自豪. 

但并不是所有的研究生项目都是平等的. 在你迈出这一步之前, it’s critical to choose the best graduate program for your unique needs and goals. Explore new possibilities and move forward with Nichols online graduate programs designed for busy professionals like you. 

Our graduate degree programs offer a distinctive educational experience that sets them apart from other institutions. 在尼科尔斯学院, you’ll have access to highly qualified faculty who are experts in their respective fields and who take an individualized approach to education, ensuring that every student receives the personalized support they need.

Our Graduate programs feature hands-on learning experiences that allow you to apply theoretical concepts in real-生活 business situations, better preparing you to tackle today’s complex business challenges. 此外, we offer a collaborative environment that encourages you to work closely with your peers, building your professional network while enhancing your leadership and interpersonal skills.

Distinguish Yourself From the Crowd with a Nichols Graduate Degree

适合忙碌的专业人士, 他们中的许多人都有全职工作和年轻的家庭, 我们的研究生课程优先考虑灵活性. Courses are offered 100% online and can be completed at your own pace, allowing you to balance your academic aspirations with personal and professional commitments. And it can all be done for a fraction of the cost of a typical graduate degree.

World-class faculty and programs focused on inspiring students to become more confident, 有自我意识, 和弹性.

Real-world experiential learning opportunities allow students to apply concepts to the workplace to ensure career readiness.

Flexible and location-independent online programs allow students to adapt educational goals to unique 生活 circumstances.

Personalized career support and an extensive 校友 network provide students with exceptional opportunities for career advancement.

认识罗尼·约瑟夫21岁(MSOL 23)

Ronnie Joseph ’23 shares his journey that led him to 尼克尔斯学院, 以及他的希望和抱负.


Nichols commitment to providing flexible learning options makes it possible for you to purse your graduate degree without putting your career on hold. 通过我们的在线课程, 灵活的调度, 还有加速学期, you can build your professional background while earning an advanced degree.


Our graduate programs are offered fully online so that you can earn your degree while maintaining current employment and family obligations.


Our accelerated graduate programs are designed to enable you to progress through coursework more quickly, allowing you to earn your degree as quickly as 12-18 months.


研究生院 offers a range of off-hour services and resources, 包括学术建议, 职业服务, 它支持, 扩展图书馆访问.



如果你参加了尼科尔斯学院的研究生课程, you are getting one of the best business educations in the country at a fraction of the typical graduate program cost. 但你不必相信我们的话. 看看我们在竞争中排名如何.


荣获“最佳商业教育”, 连续5年, by the Worcester Business Journal Business Readers Poll 2016-2021


排名13th 被Payscale评为全美最具价值商学院.com


MSOL degree ranked #2 in the country by Onlinemastersdegrees.org


尼克尔斯学院 was ranked a 2022 Best College in the Northeast by Princeton Review and ranked eighth in the U.S. 的中期职业薪酬潜力 payscale.com. 我们负担得起的, 灵活的研究生课程为您提供高质量的学习, personalized educational experience that will set you up for long-term personal and professional success.


Dynamic cultural and academic events are an essential part of the graduate program experience. 活动让学生有机会与教师见面, 工作人员, 校友, 当前的学生, 和未来的同龄人建立一个支持网络. 在尼科尔斯学院, our graduate program events are designed to be informative, 引人入胜的, 和互动, enabling you to expand your knowledge and skills in your particular field of study.

每年, 我们举办多个会议, 研讨会, 还有其他事件, 从信息会议和网络机会, 去招聘会, 音乐会, 产品发布, 和更多的. If you are interested in learning more about our graduate programs, or you simply want to connect with professionals in your field, 我们邀请您参加我们即将举行的活动之一.




Welcome to the 尼克尔斯学院 Graduate Program’s news and blogs section! Here you will find the latest updates on our programs and courses, 以及即将到来的活动, 学生的成就, 研究生课程新闻和趋势, 还有更多. Stay tuned to this section and never miss a beat on what’s new and exciting in the world of graduate programs, as well as what’s happening right here at 尼克尔斯学院 Graduate School.



Crisis management encompasses the processes and strategies employed to handle unforeseen events that pose a threat to an organization’s reputation, 操作, 或者说底线. 无论是自然灾害, 网络安全漏洞, 或者像我们最近经历的全球性流行病, 危机随时可能发生, 需要迅速和果断行动的.


Balancing Work, Life, and Advanced Education in the 行政工商管理硕士 Program at 尼克尔斯学院


Executives often find themselves faced with the challenge of advancing their education while managing demanding professional responsibilities. Enter the 行政工商管理硕士 (E工商管理硕士) program at 尼克尔斯学院 — a unique opportunity for ambitious professionals to strike a harmonious balance between work, 生活, 以及对高等教育的追求.


Intelligence Gathering and Analysis in Counterterrorism Operations


Effective global security demands professionals who possess specialized knowledge and skills in counterterrorism. 随着复杂和不断演变的威胁的出现, the need for individuals trained in intelligence gathering and analysis is critical.  




The role of women in leadership positions today is more critical than ever before. 作为多元化的倡导者, 股本, 和包容, 女性带来独特的视角, 创新的想法, 以及变革型领导风格.
