Master of Science in Counterterrorism

获得硕士学位,并获得分析和应对与国家安全和反恐相关的一系列职业中不断变化的恐怖主义威胁所需的技能和知识. You’ll explore real-world applications, such as intelligence analysis, border security, and cybersecurity.

18 months. 100% online.

Graduates of the Nichols MSC in counterterrorism, homeland security, and security studies are a differentiator in police departments, intelligence agencies, and other emergency management fields. 每个部门都有了反恐硕士项目的毕业生,他们的部队就多了一项能力.

How does the MSC program at Nichols College work?

尼科尔斯理学硕士课程是一个研究生水平的学位课程,重点是为学生提供对暴力极端主义和恐怖主义的深刻理解, regarding its origins, and tactics, 以及预防和应对恐怖主义和其他国家安全威胁的战略. The program includes courses in national security policy, intelligence analysis, counterterrorism operations, and emergency management.

In this program, you may also study topics such as the radicalization process, political violence, cyberterrorism, civil liberty constraints, and the use of technology in counterterrorism operations. 该课程旨在为你在执法部门的职业生涯做准备, intelligence agencies, emergency management, and other fields related to national security.

进入执法部门——尤其是联邦执法部门——拥有反恐理学硕士学位不仅会让你脱颖而出,还会帮助你在不同的机构提升你的职业生涯, promotions, and so much more.

-Jared Richards, MSC ’20


If you are considering getting your MSC, 你可能已经知道这个学位对你目前或未来在情报领域的职业生涯有多大的好处, law enforcement, or emergency management. 但为了以防万一,让我们来看看一些最切实的好处:

  • Specialized Knowledge反恐理学硕士课程为学生提供反恐领域的专业知识, including strategies, tactics, and techniques that can be used to prevent, deter, and respond to terrorist threats. This specialized knowledge can be applied in various fields, such as law enforcement, military, intelligence, homeland security, and private security.
  • Career Opportunities获得理学硕士学位可以为学生在就业市场上提供竞争优势. 尼科尔斯理学硕士课程的毕业生可以在许多不同的领域从事职业, including government agencies, private security companies, international organizations, and non-profit research agencies.
  • Networking Opportunities:尼科尔斯学院的理学硕士学位为你提供了与该领域专业人士交流的机会, including faculty members, guest speakers, and fellow students. 这可以帮助你建立人际关系,从而获得工作机会, internships, or other professional opportunities.
  • Critical Thinking: Counterterrorism involves complex and rapidly evolving threats, 要求个人批判性和创造性地思考,以制定有效的应对措施. 尼科尔斯学院的理学硕士学位将为您提供分析和评估信息的技能, make informed decisions, and develop effective strategies.
  • Global Perspective恐怖主义是一种国际现象,需要全球视角. 尼科尔斯理学硕士学位将为您提供对地缘政治的广泛理解, economic, and cultural factors that contribute to terrorism, as well as the global efforts to combat it. 这可以帮助你对这个领域有一个全面而细致的理解.

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Play Dr. Alison McDowell-Smith, Program Chair of MSC, video

Hot Jobs for MSC Holders

尼科尔斯理学硕士课程的毕业生具备专业技能和知识,可应用于与国家安全和反恐相关的一系列职业. Some top job roles for MSC holders include:

  • Intelligence Analyst收集和分析有关潜在安全威胁的信息,为决策和国家安全政策提供信息.
  • Cyber Defense Analyst:分析数据和事件,以减轻对组织和个人的网络威胁.
  • Emergency Management Director: Coordinates preparedness, responses, recover, and mitigation to natural disasters, acts of terrorism, 以及其他紧急情况,以确保个人和社区的安全.
  • Law Enforcement Officer调查和逮捕涉嫌从事犯罪行为的个人, including terrorist-related activities, 并致力于通过社区外展和参与来防止恐怖主义.
  • Security Consultant:为组织和个人提供有关安全措施的专业知识和建议,以尽量减少威胁的风险.
  • Researcher:对恐怖主义和国家安全问题进行研究和分析,为政策和决策提供信息.
  • Policy Analyst -制定和分析与反恐相关的国家安全政策.

我们的硕士毕业生为从事执法工作做好了充分的准备, intelligence agencies, emergency management, 以及其他与国家安全和反恐有关的领域.

In On The Action

尼科尔斯学院的理学硕士学生是国土安全部invent2prevention项目(2021年和2022年)的两个团队的一部分。, 旨在减少我们社区内有针对性的暴力和恐怖主义.  MSC students also participated in the 2019 Cybersecurity Incident Response Workshop 作为州长网络弹性工作组和2020年MEMA国家级演习的一部分.  正是这些机会在向专业人士学习的同时扩大你的网络,使我们的反恐项目独特而有价值.

Special Opportunity for Nichols MSC Applicants

Nichols College partners with Team Training Associates (TTA), 这是一个向全国的私人和公共雇员教授领导力和人力绩效管理的组织. 已完成TTA公共安全领导学院的尼科尔斯硕士申请者将获得三(3)个学分.

During TTA’s immersive 5-day program, 学生学习基于证据的策略和技能,成为卓越的领导者. The workshop, which is modeled after the FBI National Academy’s framework, 将不同群体的公共安全领导者聚集在一起,在协作环境中学习和建立网络.

Honoring Our Heroes

We’re proud to offer reduced rates to first responders and law enforcement professionals, as well as special pricing 适用于现役、预备役和退伍军人.

Master of Science in Counterterrorism (MSC) Courses

Common Core (12 credits)

本课程将介绍美国建构下的智力进化. An overview of the history and role of intelligence in the U.S. 将向政府及其情报机构成员提供. 学生将通过案例研究和情报失败接触到情报循环, 在开发如何开发情报问题的技能集的同时,支持他们使用基本分析工具开发和理解情报产品的关键要素.

MSC Core (18 credits)

Headshot of Thomas Stewart

Thomas Stewart

Director of Recruitment for Graduate Studies

Office: (508)213-2328
